Monday, 14 February 2011

Windermere Open Sailing Regatta 2011

Here are the dates of this seasons races for your diary:

Saturday 30th April

Saturday 21st May

Saturday 9th July

Saturday 10th September

Saturday 24th September

Out of the 5 races, 3 will count towards the final results.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Windermere Lake User Forum

Paul Senior is the powered boat representative on the Windermere Lake User Forum which meets twice a year to discuss the management of the lake and its surrounds with a variety of lake users, the Lake District National Park Authority and South Lakeland District Council.

Paul would like to get your views on matters relating to your use of the lake both good and bad. He specifically represents powered boat users but is happy to hear from any boat users who wish to get a view across.

He has offered to be in the Spinnaker Club on Sunday 13th February from 11:30am to give you the opportunity to air your views over the management of Lake Windermere. Your thoughts will be taken forward to the next formal meeting of the Windermere Lake User Forum in March.

If you would like further details on the Windermere Lake User Forum please go to their website.

All are welcome and I hope you take this opportunity to have some input into the way the lake is managed.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Old England Leisure Club and Spa

Windermere Marina Village is pleased to offer our mooring holders a great deal at Old England Leisure Club & Spa. With fantastic rates of £95 for adults and £50 for under 16's and further discounts on treatments and food and drink it's a great deal. I hope you sign up and enjoy!